Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween!

I love Halloween. It's my favorite holiday. All weekend we celebrated it.
On Friday we had a great game of D & D.
Everyone died.
On Saturday we went out to brunch at Ants Pants at 23rd and South and it was awesome.
We found out the liquor store at 26th and south is now a junk/thrift shop.
We went to the Army surplus store and got costumes together. Where we also met some of our party guest
We went to the bar and had great drinks.
My sweetie dressed as Richard Kimball The Fugitive decorated the house while I made hummus, spinach dip, halloween cookies, brownies, and finished some cleaning.
We then partied till 5 am where we somehow managed to kick the last guest out and get successfully into bed without hurting myself or anyone else.
Last night someone almost died at the bar. (well not really but God always looks out for little kids and drunks)
We went home and watched the rest of 13 Ghosts

Tonight, we're going have a nice homecooked dinner and maybe make some more of my horrible cookies and bring them to people at the bar. My friend and his fiance broke up recently so maybe we'll try to cheer hime up a little with our costumes...

Monday, October 24, 2005


The weekend was great. Although for me, I really don't have a weekend as I work everyday.

But not this upcoming weekend. Oh no! I'm taking Saturday off from all jobs. I'm going to sit in my pajamas all day and watch cable. I'm going to read a newspaper and drink coffee and not even clean the house.

Because I have a D & D game Friday night and the house will have been cleaned for our guests. I'm really looking forward to Phedrang's Day Off. Who knows what crazy high jinks will happen. I'm celebrating my all time favorite holiday - HALLOWEEN!

I do know that a car won't be crashed because my ex husband crashed my car in North Philly like two years ago. So that's out. Maybe I can push a kid off a bike or something.

Anyway the last two shows of Sordid Lives went very well. Sold out. Cast party afterwards was very fun in a beautiful grown up house. And the funny part was it was 1/2 block from my sweetie's parent's house. Everyone was teasing him saying he should get trashed and wait till 4 in the morning and crash there.

We got back to town around midnight so that didn't happen and just hung out at the bar for a couple of drinks. The Eagle's game yesterday was funny and lucrative.

I do know that if anyone could pick up a Chestnut Hill Local paper for me that would be great, it has a picture of me in it and an article about the show I want to put in my collection. Thanks!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Caught Topless in Chestnut Hill

So I got to the theater last night and the cast was like "Hey you're famous!"
And I was all like what? And then they gave me a copy of this week's Chestnut Hill Local and turned it to the arts section. Which has a picture of me straddling a transvestite (played by my director) and topless.
The caption for the pic is so and so "..are talking about the weather.."
During our photo shoot the photographer took probably 300 pictures of the show.
I have one scene. I guess they took the most racy picture and ran with it for press.
I was kind of embarrassed at first but I do look pretty good in the picture, and am glad I've been working out...

So if you want to come see Sordid Lives at Allens Lane, tonight's our last show. It's been a blast and I'm sad for it to end. We've sold out I think every show. If this was downtown we could run it for months. It's hysterical.

I don't think tickets are available for tonight but their might be a waiting list you could get on.

I can't wait for the next show... whatever it may be. I got to peruse some auditions on the TAGP listserv - I just hope it'll be another comedy.